Consorts-Minus-One – Isaac Schankler (b​.​1979) – Isolation Canon for 3 Treble Viols (2020)

3 Treble Viols

Consorts-Minus-One – Isaac Schankler (b​.​1979) – Isolation Canon for 3 Treble Viols (2020) was recorded, mixed & mastered March 2021 at Dwarf Star Audio, Plainfield, IL. This audio content is copyright © 2021 Isaac Schankler & appears here courtesy of the composer. Download includes a complete recording and files excluding each part.

Composer’s Program Note: Isolation Canon was written a million years ago in March 2020, for Cal Poly Pomona’s New Music Ensemble. Originally, it was designed to be played using software (Reaper/Ninjam) that creates a fixed latency between geographically distant performers, allowing them to “jam” together in real time. Usually this is used with regular, repeating chord progressions, but it occurred to me that this could also be used for canons and other imitative forms. Isolation Canon is one such piece, in which multiple performers all play the same part, which then unfolds into 3-part harmony.

Composer’s Performance Note: Isolation Canon can be played by any combination of 3 or more pitched instruments in any octave. Octave displacements of individual notes or sections are also okay, as long as the general shape of the melody is maintained. Performers who need to breathe can breathe as needed. Articulation should be legato throughout.

Download the sheet music from composer Isaac Schankler’s website.

Download Phillip Serna’s audio single of the Isaac Schankler (b​.​1979) – Isolation Canon for 3+ Instruments (2020) Performed on Bass Viols for only $0.99


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